Living Vintage

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4/8 Why I Went Back to College

A few weeks ago, I had the incredible pleasure of visiting the University of Arizona. It’s been a little tradition of mine to go to different colleges each year with my VINTAGE Cosmetics in tow and help sororities raise money for their philanthropies. If you didn’t already know, I’m really passionate about helping college women give back, and I even created a program called, PrettyU! to further support all the good they do in the world.

Truth be told, I loved being in a sorority. Not just for the parties and guys (although that was really fun too!), but for the community, friendships, and support. It was my sorority sisters who helped me launch and distribute my first make-up company, Dramatic Designs back in the 90’s, and they’ve truly been my biggest cheerleaders ever since.

When I visit the different chapters, I always like to share my story because it really showcases what’s possible when you have a dream. I find that today, so many young women have big, beautiful visions for themselves too, and I always tell them that anything is possible with passion, commitment, and the willingness to work hard. I always hope my insight can help them get where they want to go more quickly and efficiently so they can experience the joy in their journey.

In this most recent visit, I co-hosted an event with the young women of AEPhi where I spoke about how I got my start, PrettyU! and the meaning behind it, as well as gave a make-up lesson to their chapter. Using a volunteer, I showed them a simple be-who-you-are make-up look, one that really speaks to naturally playing up your best features. (I strongly dislike using make-up to disguise!)

I also set aside time to offer career advice and answer their questions about life after college and how to prepare for it. The most common questions were centered around internships and how to set themselves apart from the competition. They also filled me in on the latest fashion trends and must-haves; tips that are always useful for a 40-something! LOL.

It truly fills my heart to have the opportunity to share my experiences and help mentor these young ladies. I just love them so much. And being surrounded by them reminds me how far my own dreams have come; I’ve never wavered and I never stopped believing in myself.

Are you a college student or an alumni? If you’d like me to visit your school and host a similar event, let me know. I’d be happy to support you. Just contact me at Interested in learning more about PrettyU!? Click here

Xo Jess 

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