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5/20 Summer Vacation Must-Haves

When I hit the road for a weekend getaway to the Hamptons, I always bring a few items with me to make the experience of being somewhere beautiful even better. Whether I’m staying as a guest in someone’s home or cozying up at a hotel, these 8 things ensure that I’m always hydrated, taking care of my skin, and infusing my space with a little bit of home.

  1. Beauty Water. The first thing I do when I land somewhere new is pull out my pitcher and fill it with ice, water, and orange slices. It tastes amazing, keeps me hydrated in the sunshine, and just makes me feel connected to my usual routine.

  2. My Favorite Scented Candle. As I’ve mentioned before, my environment is incredibly important to me. So bringing my favorite Jo Malone candle along for the ride allows me to fill my hotel room or guest room with a familiar and luxurious scent.

  3. Soft Comfy Socks. Even in the summertime, fluffy socks always make it into my travel bag. They keep my feet warm and cozy, especially when the AC is blasting.

  4. Workout Clothes. Getting exercise while I’m on vacation is a must, which is why I pack a few pairs of lulu’s and of course my sneakers. These days it’s easy to find a spin or yoga class in the neighborhood. SoulCycle is my favorite!

  5. Healthy Snacks. My travel bag always has a few munchies to keep me energized. I like to pack sliced raw veggies, GG crackers, and few hard boiled eggs so that something healthy is always within reach.

  6. Sunscreen. Spending time in the sun requires a high SPF, and I don’t leave home without it! Healthy skin is so much sexier than a tan.

  7. Make-Up. I keep my make-up light and simple in the summer with a swipe of mascara, highlighter, and lipgloss.

  8. Swimwear. Summer vacation is nothing without a gorgeous swimsuit. Lately, I’ve been loving sexy one-piece suits from L. Space. They’re very stylish and super easy to wear. Pop on some wedges and fabulous earrings and BOOM! it’s an outfit.

Now I’d love to hear from you. What are your beach travel essentials? Share them with me in the comments below.

xo Jess

1 Comment

Lindsay Kleiner

May 22, 2017

I was just curious do you put your make up in a thermal bag so it is not impacted by the sun?

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