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5/6 I Got It From My Mama

The most beautiful, hardest working woman I have ever known is my mom Joyce. I have her to thank for so many things, but the greatest gift she’s given me is the ability to see the beauty in others and my work ethic.

Growing up, she would always say that I could become whatever I wanted to be. And that gave me the courage to do a lot of things: pursue an acting career, start a cosmetics company in college, and to later become a woman with a sense of deep self-worth.

When I was little, my mom would go to the salon every Saturday, and I would tag along. (That was our day together because she worked full time.) I loved being with her and watching as she got her hair styled, make-up and eyebrows done. It felt so special, and it was what truly sparked my interest in make-up and beauty. Not to mention, her love for self-care completely rubbed off on me. To this day, I make space in my schedule to get pampered and pretty and surround myself with beautiful things, like flowers (you know I’m obsessed!).

These days, the two of us still love our quality time together. When I’m home in California or she’s visiting here in New York, we browse around our favorite discount stores, take trips to gourmet food shops, discuss current events, and share stories and tears over a delicious glass of wine. But mostly she likes when I sit her down to do her make-up!  You know, regular mother/daughter things.

I am so grateful for the way bits of her have become bits of me. We both love pink and soft purple. We both love flowers. We both love make-up. And we both tend to see the beauty in others. It’s so lovely to think about the things I share with her.

What do you share with your mom? What has she taught you? And what bits of her have sprinkled on you? Share with me in the comments below.

Pictured here: me, mom (and dad) watching my sister get married.

Xo Jess



Judie Udoff

May 08, 2017

My Mom always impressed on me to “Take good care of yourself” Emotionally as well as physically. I think of this through good times and bad. I am always finding time to nurture myself with a spa day, buy new make up, get my nails done etc. It does always make me feel better. She would also tell me to, "Fix yourself up before your Husband comes home. If you’ve been house cleaning, gardening, take time to put some make up on get dressed and look good for him. Last beauty secret, Always remove your make up before bed and moisturize! These bits of advise sprinkled into my life just like Mama said . Love my Mom, forever and always.

Marsha Krane

May 08, 2017

You are both beautiful inside an out. So glad I have gotten to know this family.

Rachel Belsky

May 07, 2017

As both Jessie and Joyce fans, I truly loved reading this! What a sweet tribute to your beloved mama, and what a wonderful woman she is! You are so lucky to have all of the pieces of her that you have, and she is so lucky to have YOU as her daughter! Xx hugs!

Dara Marias

May 07, 2017

I lost my mom, Brenda Caplan, in 2004, but I truly never “lost” her because so much of who I am is a reflection of the Love she shared with me and the world. My mother, too, nurtured me with confidence in my ability to handle whatever life presented. She taught me the importance of bringing the best of myself to everything I tackle throughout the day from the little things to the big ones. She also taught me how to recognize true quality. Along the way, through her awareness and kindness to others, my mother taught me the importance of generosity of self and advocacy on behalf of others which ultimately inspired me to create a community advocacy club for elementary children, and later, a mentorship club for high school students ( Most importantly, perhaps, through her example, I learned how to be a good mother to my children. When my daughter was 6, and my mother passed away, I felt alone and thought I would never again experience the deep and abiding friendship and love between a daughter and a mother. As the mother of a now 19-year old daughter, I am privileged to once again experience that type of relationship….the only difference, is I’m the mom now! Thank you for the opportunity to reflect on my mom. Happy Mother’s Day!! :)

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